design + install projects

Corten Steel Raised Beds (4’x4’ and 4’x8’) with Full Sun Conditions

Our client wanted a cutting garden to grow an abundance of flowers for her palliative care clients. We found the perfect location where her family spends the most time hanging out with neighbors and playing in the garden. Her cutting garden has a mix of perennials and annuals which feed her soul and the many pollinators in the area.

Corten Steel Raised Bed with Trellis in an Urban Garden (2’x4’) with Part Sun Conditions

This client had a corner of the garden that was in perfect view of her dining room and front porch steps but was getting trampled by her animals. We transformed this corner into her first cut flower garden that contains a mix of perennials and annuals so that new flowers can be enjoyed each year.

Corten Steel Raised Beds in an Urban Garden (2’x4’) in Part-Sun Conditions

This small urban backyard had very little space for growing cut flowers. The yard was shadowed by large overhanging mature trees, and had existing shrubs, and hardscaping. There was just enough room between the hardscaping and grassy area to install two Corten Steel raised beds connected by a bamboo trellis. This setup provided plenty of growing space for cut flowers, herbs, and even pole beans! Trellises are such a fun way to grow upwards in small spaces—we planted over 30 plants in these two small beds: a good example of how you can grow an abundance of flowers even if you have a small backyard.

In-ground Annual Cutting Garden in an Urban Garden (1.5’x10.5’) in Full Sun Conditions

It doesn’t take much space to grow a flourishing cut flower garden. Our client had a small strip of growing spaced filled with small grasses. We turned it into her first cut flower garden in spring and she has been harvesting all summer long from this area. She now has a pretty view from her outdoor patio and her little girls are falling in love with flowers.

In-ground Perennial Cutting Garden in an Urban Garden (1.5’x10.5’) in Full Shade Conditions

This forgotten area in my client’s back garden was full of challenges - deep shade, a dryer vent, and an eye sore of pipes. Our client wanted to use this small area in her back garden to host friends for outdoor meals and to find a quiet space to tend to her plants since she was just beginning to garden. Although the list of flowering shade plants is small we find the perfect blend of plants that will produce a small number of blooms throughout the year but still give her the lush look she was after. After 2 years this area will be even more full of lush green leaves and blooms.

Corten Steel Railing Planter Box (36" L x 9" W x 9" H) in Part-Sun Conditions

This yard had a lot of shade from mature trees and the best sunlight was up high on the balcony railing. We took advantage of that good growing location and installed a Corten Steel railing planter box and let it patina slowly on its own. This planter box evolved from late spring anemones to summer zinnias and will be a great spot for mums or pansies in the fall. Because the area is used for outdoor entertaining, the railing planter has become a lovely focal point.

raised bed rehab projects

Raised Bed Rehab along a Parking Strip

One of my favorite services to offer is to transform an existing raised bed into a cut flower garden. This raised bed had been used for growing vegetables in the past, but eventually gave way to several years of tall grasses. The owner wanted to clear it out and fill it with cheery cut-and-come-again flowers that would bloom all summer long. Because this raised bed was located along the parking strip, we included several perennials that would survive through winter and provide structure next spring instead of an empty raised bed.

why we love corten steel

One thing all Irish have in common is they’ve learned how to adapt to the many months of rainfall. Corten Steel (the material in the raised beds we recommend and install) is similar: it develops a beautiful rust patina on the outside, but stays protected and durable, even during months of rain. This material will outlast even the highest quality cedar wood. And that’s what you want to invest in - an outdoor feature that looks good year after year. Corten steel has a clean and minimalist look and works well with any house style. We have a variety of sizes and shapes to fit your cut flower garden needs.


Do you have a great idea about where to grow your own cut flower garden, but need help getting started? If you’re in Cork, Ireland, we would love to help you get it set up!

Here’s how:



Let us know more about your flower goals by filling out our questionnaire. Feel free to provide any additional information that you think we’ll need.



We’ll schedule one hour to visit your garden and talk about your cut flower goals, problems you might be having, and how we can help you grow flowers.



We’ll offer several ways we can help you build your own garden or we can design and build it for you, all tailored to your needs and growing space. You’ll decide the next steps.

Ready to grow together? LET’S GET YOU SCHEDULED

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