Raised Bed Rehab

Turning an Overgrown Raised Bed Into a Cut Flower Garden

Raised Bed Rehab:

Turning an Overgrown Raised Bed Into a Cut Flower Garden

The quickest way to get your dream flower garden is to transform an existing raised bed. Maybe you’ve been growing vegetables for a while and you want to try something new. or maybe life gets too busy and your raised bed is growing very pretty weeds! We clear out the old and plant the new. Soon you’ll be enjoying beautiful cut flowers in your existing raised bed.


During our onsite consultation we will discuss your goals and vision for your cut flower garden. We will assess your current growing space (i.e, size, sunlight, location, seasonal flowers, challenges, problems), take pictures (“before” photos), and determine if the existing raised bed is in a viable location for growing cut flowers. We will transform the existing raised bed by: clearing existing plants, adding soil/soil amendments, and planting flowers.

what's included: 
  • 1-hour onsite consultation session

  • Summary document of consultation session

  • High-level map of your potential growing area

  • Product recommendations

  • Plant list with seasonal flower ideas

  • Estimate and contract

  • Existing raised bed that is cleared out, soil added and amended, and cut flowers planted

  • Flower Directory (PDF) of your flowers and how to care for them

  • 5 social media images of your transformed garden

  • A copy of our guide - “A Beginner's Guide to Growing Flowers”

Is this Right for Me?

If you desire to grow flowers in an existing raised bed, then this is right for you. Get started by BOOKING YOUR CONSULTATION.


*Dependent upon size and condition of existing raised bed and chosen plants (annuals vs perennials)

50 - Add-on Coaching Session up to 1 hour

our services

We offer a limited number of consultations each season. Spots fill up quickly for spring and summer installations. Schedule your consultation today!